2nd Floor North

Book Pick-up & Checkout Desk

Now that you're a savvy online researcher, what can you do when you visit the library?

As you enter the library, you'll find the Book Pick-up & Check-out Desk. 

Student checking out book in the CSUDH Library at the Book Pick-up & Check-out Desk

Spanish Bull with Toro Tip.As a student, you can check out library books and keep them for the full 16 weeks of a semester! You just need to bring your CSUDH ID.

Does the library have my textbook?

Maybe! The library has some textbooks and other course materials available online or on reserve in the library. If you're not sure if the library has your textbook, search for the title of your textbook in OneSearch. You can change the drop down menu to Books & Media (CSUDH) or use the ISBN to narrow your search.

Textbook search in OneSearch.

If the book is available as an eBook, you can read it online in one of the library's eBook platforms.

OneSearch results for online textbook.

Reading & Downloading eBooks

You can read most library eBooks online with any device. However, just like when a physical book is checked out a library, there may be some restrictions to viewing and downloading eBooks.

When you open a library link to an eBook, the detailed description on the first page will provide more details about its availability. You may be able to download chapters of an ebook as a PDF or borrow a digital copy using Adobe Digital Editions to download and read offline. Some eBooks limit access to 1-3 users at a time. 

ProQuest eBook with Availability highlighted.

Course Reserves

If your book is on reserve in the library, you can search for the title of your textbook, the name of your professor, or the course (e.g. ANT 130) using the Course Reserves (CSUDH) search.

Course Reserves (CSUDH) search for MAT 131 in OneSearch.

Bring the information you find about the book to the Course Reserves Desk located to the left as you enter the library. Unlike other books, you can only keep course reserves for 7 days to give everyone in your class the chance to use the book. 

CSUDH Library 2nd floor North with a view of the Course Reserves and Interlibrary Loan desk.

Dominguez Den

Head further South into the library to the Dominguez Den on your right. It's a great place to meet friends, study, and grab snacks or coffee from Booked & Brewed! 

Students chatting in a circle in the Dominguez Den.

2nd (Main) Floor South

Head South past the Dominguez Den to continue the tour of the Main (2nd) floor. 

CSUDH Library Main floor South entrance past the Dominguez Den.