4th Floor South

Quiet Study

On the 4th floor, you'll find more open seating and books HD-Z, as well as the library's Children's Collection.

CSUDH Library 4th floor with book shelves and seating.

Spanish Bull with Toro Tip.

Quiet conversation is encouraged on the 3rd floor, but be sure to check out a study room or head out of the library if you need to be a little louder. The 4th floor is reserved for silent study.

Generating a Citation

Ready to cite your sources in a research project? Some library databases will generate a citation for you! Watch this short video "Generating a Citation" to learn more. 

Citation Guides

Citation generators can save you time, but they aren't always correct, you should always double check a citation with an official style manual or online citation guide.

The CSUDH Library offers citation guides with examples and additional resources for APA, MLA, Chicago, and ASA

Intro to MLA

MLA Style is a common citation style used in English and the Arts & Humanities. Watch this short video "Introduction to Citation Styles: MLA 8th ed." to learn more. 

Intro to APA

APA Style is a common citation style used in Psychology, Sociology, Health Science, Business, and more! Watch this short video "Introduction to Citation Styles: APA 7th ed." to learn more. 

South Elevators

Ready to move on to the 5th floor? You can only get there using the South elevators.

CSUDH Library South elevators past the Research Help Desk.