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Exciting changes to EBSCO databases are coming!

by Carolyn Caffrey on 2024-04-29T12:30:00-07:00 in *General Topics | 0 Comments

All of our EBSCOhost databases are being updated and the new user experience will debut May 20th 2024. EBSCO is a large database provider and includes some of our favorites such as CINAHL, PsycINFO, Academic Search Complete, and Business Search Premiere.

What features are changing?

The new design is focused on making EBSCO databases easier and more intuitive to use. One of the biggest changes is the prominent dashboard where you can more easily save resources and organize them by project. Filters to narrow your results are moving from the left-hand side of the page to the top, underneath the search bar. Additionally, the language around full-text access is changing and is easier to use with a dropdown menu of "Access options."

Screenshot of the new user interface search results page

Screenshot of the new user interface with the search "climate change" and california highlighted

Once you're looking at a resource you're interested in, the icons for sharing a link, creating a citation, or sending the resource to your email are now located at the top of the page with abbreviated icons instead of the right side of the page.

Screenshot of the new save and share icons

Example of icons at the top of the page of an EBSCO ui change


What is staying the same in the new interface?

The excellent subject heading and controlled vocabulary system will continue to be the same - so don't fret if you love your MeSH or PsycInfo subject terms. Additionally, all of our included subscriptions and databases are not changing in this interface update. Finally, the advanced search page will look familiar and still allow you to use AND and OR to strategically connect your keywords into powerful search phrases.

We're excited about the streamlined interface and think you will be too! We plan to update all of our tutorials, videos, and how-to pages accordingly over the summer and in the meantime you can find EBSCOhost created user guides on their website.

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