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Start your research at the CSUDH Library and find out more about the library's resources, how to guides and tutorials, and research guides for different subjects
How-to guides

New to college-level research or CSUDH? Use the how-to videos, tutorials, and handouts on this page to start and finish your research project! If you need help at any part of the research process, ask a librarian!

Resource Icons

= Video
= Interactive tutorial
= Handout or guide

Choose a Topic

First, choose and develop a topic you're interested in!

Preview of concept map.
Mapping Your Research Ideas

 A visual tool for narrowing a research topic, generating ideas, and asking questions.

Web browser with search bar and text cursor.
Turn Questions into Keywords

A brief video from UCLA on brainstorming keywords for your search strategy.

Person next to chalk board with choose your own research topic written on the board.
Choosing a Topic

A brief video about the research process with tips on choosing a research topic.

Preview of Choosing a Topic handout.
Choosing a Topic

Suggestions and questions to ask for formulating a research topic for your assignment.


Use Search Tools

Use online and library search tools to explore your topic and find sources.

Web browser with text on the left and OneSearch on the right.

A short video on using OneSearch to find books and articles available through the library.

Web browser with text on the left and OneSearch on the right.

A quick tutorial on using OneSearch to find library materials with hands-on practice.

Screenshot of article in OneSearch with full text available links highlighted.
Finding the Full Text

How to find the full text of an article in CSUDH Library's OneSearch.

OneSearch results for climate change with my favorites pins highlighted.
Saving Your Results in OneSearch

How to save searches and items in CSUDH Library's OneSearch.

Preview of Choosing a Library Database video.
Choosing a Library Database

Find a list of library databases and filter by subject to find database for your topic or major.

Preview of Searching in a Library Database video.
Searching in a Library Database

How to use keywords and connectors to search in a library database.

Preview of OneSearch v. a subject database infographic.
OneSearch v. a Subject Database

A flow chart of when to use OneSearch or a specialized library database.

Preview of Advanced database searching infographic.
Advanced Database Searching

An infographic for using AND, OR, NOT keyword connectors in a library database.

Preview of Connecting to Google Scholar video.
Google Scholar

 Use the cite, cited by, and CSUDH Library link features in Google Scholar.

Preview of Citation Tracking video.
Citation Tracking in Google Scholar

Find relevant studies in references and using "Cited by" in Google Scholar.

Preview of PubMed video.

How to find research articles in PubMed through the CSUDH Library.

preview of queering classification video
Queering Classification

How information is organized in library catalogs with an emphasis on issues with identity classification and neutrality.


How Do I Find...

Looking for a specific kind of source? 

OneSearch with filters on the left side highlighted.
Peer-reviewed Articles

A quick guide to finding scholarly, peer-reviewed journals in library databases using filters.

Preview of Looking for a Book? infographic
Books & eBooks

A quick guide to finding books in the library, including online textbooks and course reserves.

Preview of Searching for .gov Sources video.
Statistics and .Gov Sources

Searching in Google using to find government web pages and statistics.

Preview of Legal Sources video with scale surrounded by document, book, folder, clip board, and paper icons.
Legal Research

Find primary and secondary legal sources in WestLaw and Google Scholar.

Screenshot of reactions of water in SciFinder
Chemical Information

Find chemical information and secondary sources in SciFinder.

Preview of Finding Tests and Measures video.
Tests and Measures

Find tests and measures to use for a research project in PsycTESTS.

Preview of Search Strategies for Job Seekers infographic.
Search Strategies for Job Seekers

 Tips on how to research jobs using keywords, filters, and algorithms.

Preview of Company Research video.
Company Research

Find company information through Google and SWOT analyses in a library database.

Preview of Gerth Archives Primary Source Research and Discovery Guide
Primary Sources

An introduction to identifying, finding, and analyzing primary sources at CSUDH and online.

Educational Materials

How to find lesson plans through repositories, member organizations, and books.


Read & Evaluate Sources

What makes the information you find credible? What about scholarly?

Preview of All About Peer Review guide.
All About Peer Review

+ + A mix of resources about peer review and reading research articles.

Cover of Anatomy of a Research Article.
Anatomy of a Research Article

A brief guide to the parts of a research article. Focus on the abstract and the discussion.

Paper with magnifying glass.
Evaluating Information

A tutorial on evaluating information, including popular and scholarly, peer-review sources.

Preview of Cognitive Bias infographic.
Avoiding Cognitive Bias

Examples of cognitive bias and information practices.

Preview of Evaluating Web Sources infographic.
Evaluating Web Sources

Questions to evaluate web sources based on audience, purpose, and evidence.

Preview of 4 Moves & a Habit infographic.
Fact Checking

A method for fact-checking specific claims for accuracy called "4 Moves & a Habit."

Preview of Anatomy of a News Article infographic.
Anatomy of a News Article

Look for context in a news article, such as the author, byline, and dateline.

Preview of Evaluating Sources Using BEAM infographic.
Ways to Use Sources

Ways to use sources in a research project for background, evidence, argument, or method.

Web browser with Wikipedia home page.

A brief overview of the guiding principles of Wikipedia and how to evaluate the quality of an article. 


Cite & Write About Your Research

Use and cite sources in your paper! 

Preview of CSUDH Library Citation Guide

Guides for using citation styles such as APA and MLA.

Preview of Why Do We Cite infographic.
Why Do We Cite

 How, when, and why should you include citations in a research paper.

Sticky notes with A, B, C, and D surrounded by papers and arrows pointing to various letters.
Literature Reviews

 Tips for writing a literature review that is more than just a summary.

Preview of Literature Review infographic.
Literature Reviews

Tips for finding and using sources in a literature review.

Preview of What is an annotated bibliography infographic handout.
Annotated Bibliographies

Introduction to the purpose and conventions of annotated bibliographies.


Advanced Research

Preview of citation management guide.
Citation Management

Guides for using database account and citation management software.

Cover of research methods infographic.
Research Methods

 Differences between quantitative versus qualitative research with examples.

Preview of journal metrics infographic.
Journal Metrics

 An overview of various metrics to determine the impact of a particular journal.

Preview of measurement infographic.
Test Measurement

 Steps in the develop process to determine the validity and reliability of a test instrument.

Preview of web browser and Zotero library.
Systematic Reviews

Introduction to finding and conducting systematic or integrative reviews.
