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Digital literacy

About this guide

This guide is a curated collection of resources to help you get started using some of the tools provided though CSUDH IT and available freely online. While the CSUDH University Library does not provide tech support for any of these tools, these resources can help you learn these tools on your own with high quality instructional videos, tutorials, and written guides. If you have further questions about access please contact IT through the CSUDH IT Portal.


Web browser with text on the left and OneSearch on the right.

A quick tutorial on using OneSearch to find library materials with hands-on practice.

OneSearch results for climate change with my favorites pins highlighted.
Saving Your Results in OneSearch

How to save searches and items in CSUDH Library's OneSearch.


Tutorial troubleshooting

For interactive tutorials that use Adobe Flash Player: Developing Keywords, Evaluating Information, Getting Started with Citations, and Avoiding Plagiarism...

Did you open a tutorial and it didn't load on the page?

1. Go to Flash Player Help

  • Check to see if Flash is installed on your computer.
  • Download the latest version of the Flash Player.
  • Find directions to enable Flash Player on your preferred browser.

2. If you do not have Flash Player installed, the tutorial will try to load using HTML5.

For additional assistance with any tutorial, contact the Research Help Desk.

Reuse this Guide

Creative Commons License CC by NC 4.0 This guide was created by Maggie Clarke and Tessa Withorn at CSUDH Library and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.