Below are some suggestions for mapping tools you can find online. Not all tools are supported by the library, and some may require downloading or creating an account to use all features.
Looking for ArcGIS? You can access ArcGIS Online using the CSUDH organization log in, or This program is also installed on computers located in the CSUDH Library.
An online mapping and GIS tool with data on a wide variety of topics including demographics, real estate, health, jobs, and more. Create, save, download, customized maps and tables, or upload your own data to map.
Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for creating mobile-friendly interactive maps. Their website has several tutorials to help you get started.
Neatline is an Omeka plugin that lets you create complex maps, annotated images and narrative sequences. Neatline works best when you're trying to tel a story through the maps and materials you're using.
National Geographic created a web interface that allows you to find any quad in the United States, download and print it. Can be downloaded and printed as a PDF.
Pick a location, then start zooming in until you see red icons. Then choose the geographically-appropriate icon and print/download a map in PDF format.
Use interactive tools to create and share: maps, presentations & tables or analyze data sets from 220 years of demographic data, 25,000 maps, hundreds of profile reports, 40 billion data elements and 335,000 variables. Current and historical demographic data can be arranged and downloaded quickly and easily.
Interactive open source mapping platform that allows users to easily find historic map scans from the USGS's Historical Topographical Map Collection. Maps in the collection were published between 1884 and 2006.