A test or measure is any tool used in a research study to collect data from a sample population, such as a survey questions, interview questions, or checklists. If you're not sure what kind of methodology you should use or how to analyze your results, check out some of the tools in one of our library databases, SAGE Research Methods.
When would I need to find tests and measures? If you're working on a capstone project, you may be asked to propose or actually conduct a research study. You can create your own measures, but using an existing measure like the "College Student Stress Scale" can help you understand a well-designed study, and contribute to/replicate another researcher's findings.
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Many of the popular psychological tests you've heard about may only be available to licensed practioners. Don't worry! There's usually enough information available in journal articles and books analyzing and using the tests to answer evaluative questions about the test including its history, reliability, validity, and item generation.
Search OneSearch for the name of your test plus the keyword "manual" or "guide" and filter to books to find some of these manuals listed below.
Published Tests...are standardized tests available for purchase. Often, these tests must be purchased in quantity and the producer may not want the test available to the general public, or for copying. Example: Beck Depression Inventory
Unpublished Tests...are generally not for sale, but may be available full-text in an article, thesis, dissertation or book.