Think tanks are research organizations that provide research, analysis, and advice on domestic and international issues. Think tank organizations may be affiliated with a political position, advocacy group, or a non-partisan organization.
Why would I need to use think tank research? If you're working on a project where you need to include perspectives on a policy, think tanks employ experts that can help you find that analysis. It is usually published faster and can be more comprehensive than a scholarly journal article, but think tanks still use academic research methods.
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Grey (or gray) literature include research and publications produced outside the traditional academic publishing (see this FAQ on the peer review process). Examples of grey literature include reports, conference abstracts, presentations, working papers, government documents, white papers, and evaluations. Also see "Organizations and Think Tanks" for additional grey literature.
Grey (or gray) literature include research and publications produced outside the traditional academic publishing (see this FAQ on the peer review process). Examples of grey literature include reports, conference abstracts, presentations, working papers, government documents, white papers, and evaluations. Also see "Organizations and Think Tanks" for additional grey literature.