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Public Policy

A research guide for CSUDH students in Public Policy Administration.

APA Citation

Publication manual for the American Psychological Association cover
APA Citation Guide

A guide with examples for formatting a in-text citation, reference list citations, and an APA research paper.

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CSUDH University Library video cover for Generating a Citation
Generating a Citation

How to generate a citation in OneSearch, EBSCO databases, and Google Scholar. Recommendations for citation guides.

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Library Catalog: OneSearch

Logo for OneSearch, CSUDH's online catalog.

OneSearch is a library search tool where you can find almost everything the CSUDH Library owns or subscribes to on one platform. Use OneSearch to find books, including textbooks, articles, streaming videos, and more! A great place to start for any research project. You can also use OneSearch to find the full text, borrow books from other CSU libraries, and generate a citation.

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Library Databases


Google Web Search

Government websites typically end with .gov in their URL. There are some exceptions (e.g., the City of Beverly Hills and the County of Riverside end in .org) but searching on Google with will return only government websites. 

  • Example: women's health
  • Example: congressional bills
Google Web Search

Nonprofit organizations (or NPOs) are defined as Nonprofit organizations are institutions that conduct their affairs for the purpose of assisting other individuals, groups, or causes rather than garnering profits for themselves. (from Nonprofit organizations' websites often (but not always) end with .org so search with the following:

Industry & Company Information

 Industry & Company Information

Business analysts conduct research and compile reports that assess the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of a specific company or provide a snapshot of an entire industry to learn from the past and predict future trends. Analyst reports also provide some financial information, and publicly traded companies publish annual reports on the web for their investors in addition to filing through the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

When would I need to find industry and company information? If you're working on a business or marketing project, you may be asked to provide an overview of a company like Lyft, including facts about the history and current operations of the company, financial data and revenue, strategies they use for marketing their products and services, and how they are talked about in the press. 

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Additional Resources on Organizational Theory