This document is a guide to data entry, configuration, and facet filtering for the digital collection projects at the Gerth Archives Special Collections using CONTENTdm, a digital asset management (DAM) system by OCLC, and provides a metadata template.
The title element is automatically created by a default setting. Although it can be renamed and modified, it is highly recommended to retain it as the main title element. This default field is related to other configurations in the DAM system.
When the Date Data Type is selected, the data must comply with ISO 8601 formats. If invalid forms, such as "circa," "unknown," and "undated," are entered, they would affect the DAM system’s date search operation and prevent it from filtering the search results for a desired date range.
Only one field per collection can be designated for the purposes of activating the transcript functionality and populating text from PDF and EAD files automatically.