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Digital Collection Project Best Practices

Collection Code

Each collection is assigned a collection code. It would be ideal if a collection code is unique among all digital collections available at the Gerth Archives and Special Collections or among a digital project where the collection is being added. A collection code can be an abbreviation for its collection name or any forms, including numerical numbers and/or combination of numbers and letters, that can be logically assigned and serve sufficiently.

Standard File Name


A file name of a digital object indicates the location where the corresponding physical item is stored. A standard file name consists of the following elements:

"Collection Code"_"Box Number"_"Folder Number"_"Item Number_Page Number"

Special Characters and Symbols

Avoid special characters and symbols: Period, Slash, Backslash, Colon, Asterisk, Question mark, Quotation marks, Angle brackets, Pipe, Squire brackets, Ampersand, Dollar sign, At sign, etc

. \ / : * ? " <> | [] & $ @


If a file name is too long, you may not be able to access it or a server may not be able to back it up. Limiting to 32 characters or less would be preferable.

Sequential Numbering

Use 2 or more digits for sequential numbering. 

scgf_01_03_001 (not scgf_1_3_1)

Period Before File Extension

One period, "." before the file extension. 

scgf_01_03_001.pdf (not scgf_01_03_001..pdf)

Unique File Name

To avoid conflict, assign a unique file name.  


Elements and Examples


Collection Code_Box Number_Folder Number_Item Number_01 [Front];_02 [Back]
Collection Code_Box Number_Binder Divider Number_Item Number_01 [Front];_02 [Back]

Albums and Scrapbooks

Collection Code_Box Number_Binder Divider Number_Item Number_01 [Front];_02 [Back]
Collection Code_Box Number_Item Number_Item Page Number

Items from Album or Scrapbook

Collection Code_Box Number_Folder Number_Item Number_Item Page Number_Item Number


Collection Code_Box Number_Folder Number_Item Number_Item Page Number